Cheers to 23 years!

Shauna with celebrities

August 1st is always a special day. Today is my 23rd anniversary at Rawlco Radio! Little known fact: I began my radio career in high school. Then I went to college… & came right back! I remember thinking so often (as I got into bars underage) that this is the best job in the world! Guess what. I still say the same thing. Only now I wish I was ID’d more.

My favorite part is sharing our lives, stories & laughs together. The show is one big family & I’m forever grateful for it. I simply can’t be in a bad mood when I’m with you. I’ve grown up on this show and you’ve been along for the ride. And in between laughs we get to play the soundtrack to our lives. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate the power of music. Plus. I get to work with my best friend @rob_suskic95 every morning 🤍

Love you all. Any questions about the show or radio life fire away. Here’s to a couple dozen more!


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