Shauna Foster

Kindness, Light & Love

Shauna Foster

Shauna Foster lifestyle


Hello! I am Shauna Foster, one-half of Saskatoon’s #1 Morning Show on C95—your favorite radio station. I want to use this space to share kindness, love for my community, style inspo and more!  If you are looking for laughs or just a shoulder to lean on, you’ve come to the right place. It takes a village!  
Spreading light and love, Shauna
about us
shauna foster



about us


What I Do

Love, Life,
& Laughter

Saskatoon wakes up to Rob and Shauna on C95!  I’ve been up bright and early with you for 20+ years.  No two mornings are same, it’s one of the best parts of my job.  I use my platform to spread laughter, happiness and kindness. I keep you up to date on the latest events in the world of pop culture, daily news, television, movies, fashion, and more.  I have a passion for home design and decor, I am always dreaming up a new project.
Tune in daily on C95 Saskatoon, Z99 in Regina, and C97-7 in Calgary, or find me online!
Shauna Foster family

Get Inspired


My social media feed includes everything from fitness and fashion tips to my adventures as a proud mother of two. Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok to learn more about my life as a mom, wife, and radio show host.

Our Community

Stay tuned to my website and discover the latest events, fundraisers and news in Saskatoon!

My Favourites

Want to know about my favourite brands and lifestyle hacks? Watch this page closely for more information.

My Blogs

Blogging is one of the ways I connect with my listeners, followers, and the community at large to share my ideas, tips, and inner musings.