Even on those frustrating parenting days, I try to not lose sight how grateful I am for my babes. I had relatively normal pregnancies and speedy deliveries. Fertility is a wild journey for everyone. But some hit countless bumps along the way, it feels so unfair &...
Today is #BellLetsTalk raising money for mental health initiatives: the world’s biggest conversation about mental health. #BellLetsTalk is an annual campaign that works to raise money and awareness for mental health initiatives. Every year on #BellLetsTalk Day, Bell...
How could I have missed World Book Day!? (It was Friday, btw) Interesting timing because just yesterday I posted Blackbird is the only book I’ve read multiple times. If you zoom in you can see the stains, it’s been tossed in the tub, chewed by long-deceased dogs of...
Remember when I said I would never EVER run the half marathon again? I signed up for the half marathon again. Bahhhh! I don’t know what changed. I had months of aches, pains & every treatment imaginable after my 2020 half. But 1) I feel stronger. And 2) I like...
New week, new goals? My goal = “do our best” ✨ And not strangle each other. Kidding. My body is now officially made up of coffee & dry shampoo 😛 I felt like I had to apologize yesterday. To you. I know my stories & page have been slower, or absent all...
All aboard! Oh you didn’t know? I’m Captain of the IBTC. Always looking for more first mates. And I’m hoping yesterday wasn’t the last gasp of summer! I have more swimming to do. Post-kids & as I get older I’ve learned to be grateful for my body and all the...