Mama Bear

All the emotions over here: the kids are going on their first trip without me today. I know it seems so silly—but with an 18 month long pandemic in a 2 year old Cash’s life—my little man has never really been away from me. I can’t go pee without him following me. I’m...

Learning To Love My Body

All aboard! Oh you didn’t know? I’m Captain of the IBTC. Always looking for more first mates. And I’m hoping yesterday wasn’t the last gasp of summer! I have more swimming to do. Post-kids & as I get older I’ve learned to be grateful for my body and all the...

I Say Yes, Cash Is Loving NO!

New word in our house: NO My sweet, mommy-loving boy had an exorcist-level meltdown. NO to EVERYTHING. In this moment he insisted on wearing my sunnies, wanted me to stop his popsicle from melting so quickly & needed a paw patrol bandaid for a nonexistent injury...
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