Tots and Travel

Living their best lives! But can I take a lot of the credit?  Kidding/not kidding! Packing for any trip makes up half of my stress when travelling. But I’ve been given some awesome advice over the years on how to pack for a family (you can ask him yourself, Jeff...

World Book Day

How could I have missed World Book Day!? (It was Friday, btw) Interesting timing because just yesterday I posted Blackbird is the only book I’ve read multiple times. If you zoom in you can see the stains, it’s been tossed in the tub, chewed by long-deceased dogs of...

What Have I Got Myself Into..

Remember when I said I would never EVER run the half marathon again? I signed up for the half marathon again. Bahhhh! I don’t know what changed. I had months of aches, pains & every treatment imaginable after my 2020 half. But 1) I feel stronger. And 2) I like...

The Covid Files.. Year One

One Year Ago.. I posted this exact photo around the time I realized life would be changing. And rapidly. Look how little Cash is. We had just got home from Mexico, I had the Juno red carpet to host. And poof. Agonizing decisions we had to make, slow days…...

Our Life Flipped Upside Down

Our babies have Covid. So that’s been our week. I never imagined we’d be here? I wasn’t even sure I would share this. But it’s me, you know me. I’m an open book. And so many families are in this crap-canoe. Jocey turns 6 next week and her party is now cancelled. Her...

New Week, New Goals

New week, new goals? My goal = “do our best” ✨ And not strangle each other. Kidding. My body is now officially made up of coffee & dry shampoo 😛 I felt like I had to apologize yesterday. To you. I know my stories & page have been slower, or absent all...
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